Stunning Peony Bouquet


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Celebrate special moments with a stunning bouquet of White Peonies, delicately wrapped in a beautiful white wrap. This luxurious gift exudes elegance and beauty, making it perfect for celebratory occasions or gifting to your loved ones. The peony, with its lush, layered petals and ethereal fragrance, stands as a timeless emblem of grace and refinement. Each bloom whispers tales of purity and charm, elevating any setting with its sheer beauty and captivating allure. Brighten up their day with this exquisite bouquet of white peonies.



Bouquet Includes :

  • White Peony: 10
  • White Wrap


Disclaimer: Please be advised that the bulbs can sometimes arrive in different bloom stages

Disclaimer: Please be advised that the bulbs can sometimes arrive in different bloom stages