Red & White Roses Bouquet


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White Roses symbolize P urity, Youthfulness and Innocence. Young love, Eternal loyalty and New Beginnings are also commonly tied to the meaning of White Roses, making them a popular choice for weddings and romantic occasions. Red Roses. Most of us are familiar with what the Red Rose means, having been used across cultures to represent Love and Romance for centuries. The meaning of Red Roses is universally understood to be Love and Passion.

Bouquet Includes: 

  • Red Rose: 8
  • White Rose: 7
  • Black/White Wrapping: 4
  • Floward Black/White Ribbon: 1

Flower Type

– Replenish the water frequently.
– Change the water entirely every 2-3 days.
– Trim at least a half inch of stem off your flowers before you put them in a vase and each time you change the water.
– Keep your flowers away from heat and bright light.
– Avoid sitting your flowers beside ripening fruit or vegetables, especially bananas, and apples.

Note: Flowers can last up to 7 days if the above care instructions are followed and well maintained, the color of the flowers may vary depending on the season.