Floward Small Mixed Chocolate Box | Pink Carnations


The gift of a Floward Small Crunchy and Caramel Chocolate Box paired with a vase of Pink Carnations is a delightful combination of sweetness and floral beauty. The chocolate box offers a delectable assortment of crunchy and caramel treats, providing a satisfying indulgence. Paired with the soft and charming Pink Carnations in the vase, this gift ensemble creates a perfect balance of flavors and visual appeal. It’s a thoughtful choice for expressing affection, celebrating special occasions, or simply brightening someone’s day with a blend of gourmet chocolates and the timeless beauty of pink flowers.


Bundle Includes: 

Floward Small Mixed Chocolate Box Crunchy and Caramel 20Pieces

Pink Carnations: 20

Square Glass Vase

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